Opening hour: 10:00 a.m. - 22:00 p.m.
Ticket price: 200 yen (1.83 USD for 10 minutes), pay separately for drinks
Entrance to Mocha Cat Cafe
Few rules are applied when playing with the cats in here:
- You cannot feed the cats with your own food
- You should not make loud noise when the cats are asleep
- You should not pet the cat if he or she shows signs of discomfort
And a few other rules to ensure the safety of all kitties in here.
These ones here are very shy and love sleeping!
There are many small boxes here, they serve as both book holders and…cat beds.
“They can’t find me here!”
A sleeping cat, carefree of the world
Next to the beds are bookshelves filled with manga and interesting books, you can spend the whole day reading in here
Relaxing reading beds